Both the kids are finally in bed and the house is quiet except for the sound of the washer and dryer. Today I chose to play with my kids instead of doing housework. Copelan has decided that stop napping for now so I haven't been getting the time to do things like I normally would. Today I decided to play with him and have fun instead of doing a 30 minute workout. I did a 10 minute workout instead. Today I decided to take a 3 minute shower instead of a 10 minute shower to actually wash my hair..( at least I showered) today I decided to take in the time I got with my kids and really cherish it. Sometimes (most of the time) I get so caught up in trying to get things done that I get frustrated becaus I can't get it done because someone needs my attention. Today I chose to give them the attention. I mean let's face it I will have all day tomorrow and the next day to do the laundry and the dishes.
Being a stay at home mom ( who also kinda works) isn't easy but as hard as it is I find joy in watching my kids grow and being able to teach them things. Copelan just turned 2 and I feel like is learning and doing so many new things. I want to enjoy where he is I don't want to miss it.
So I could wake up tomorrow and I have to tell myself all of this because the kids are screaming and things need done...and I may start to get stressed but I will remind myself that everything else can wait. I will take a deep breath, turn the music on ( or Clifford so i get 10 minutes of quiet) but I will learn and will keep learning that motherhood isn't about being perfect and having everything figured out. It is simply being here in the moment and learning everyday to breath and take life one day at a time.
A few of my favorite things right now: bed time stories, drawing together, the way Copelan yells mama when he doesn't see me in sight and he actually does this for the rest of the family in the house to including the dog and the way he says "love you"
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