Friday, November 4, 2016

coffee and a chocolate chip cookie..A totally real post

Today is one of those 14 month old is getting in another tooth so was extremely fussy and clingy. We went for a walk which eventually put him to sleep so I'm hoping he gets a good long nap. The house feels like a disaster...there are small bowls and plates on the floor throughout the house that my son has left which I will pick up then later they will be back out. You may be saying stop complaining and put them up higher. First of all there is nowhere else for them and second if its not small plates and bowls its something else hes carrying and leaving on the floor to be picked up. It is  literally just a part of parenthood in my opinion. The dishes are piled high and today is laundry day. Normally Fridays are exciting and relaxing we do laundry and just chill out no stress. For some reason I woke up literally feeling like a tired no motivation or energy of course it could be the tiny little girl growing inside me as well...(hehe so excited we are having a girl by the way)
Normally I post something profound or something I've gotten from my bible reading but I have nothing today..not yet anyway.  I just sit here with a chocolate chip cookie  (Annies organic which makes it better for you right!? haha) and a cup of decaf coffee being totally open and real about life today. I'm involved in a bible study and we were saying this past week how you don't see when people have their bad days on social media it's all butterflies and flowers and how great everything is. I admit I don't post a lot on social media and when I do it's nothing negative, but we all have bad days right? Lets be real..not everyday is cupcakes and songs so I decided to be real with you all today because sometimes people are struggling and they need to know they are not the only ones.
Here is my advice take a few minutes to rest drink coffee eat a cookie ( even if you are trying to be fit and healthy) turn some music on and do what needs done with a positive attitude :)
I will leave you with that today...As I do dishes, laundry, pick up the house and take some time to rest and spend time with the Lord. So Turn the music up ( well unless your child is napping) sing and talk to God and relax. You may not feel awesome but just do something and have some coffee and lots of Jesus when you have these days.
I already feel better.. :)