Friday, May 11, 2012

to be inspired

I guess I was feeling a little down when I woke up this morning because Josh is going on his annual canoe trip, but here's the thing it's only for not even 2 whole days, but yes I will miss him greatly. he will not have his phone which I think is what makes it so hard. So i was trying to decide alright it's 8:30 in the morning how am I going to start my day? I watched an episode of 24 but if you know the show you know it is intense and not a very happy show. After that I decided on my favorite movie Julie and Julia. Always inspires me...
 It is a lengthy movie especially when you take a break to cook brunch ( I don't always like to eat breakfast right when I wake up) There are so many reasons I love this movie. Watching it always made me want to start a blog, and I finally did one day. My post today is about one of the many reasons this movie inspires me.
1. to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence: His courage inspired his followers.
to produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.): to inspire confidence in others.
to fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought, etc.: to inspire a person with distrust.
to influence or impel: Competition inspired her to greater efforts.
to animate, as an influence, feeling, thought, or the like, does: They were inspired by a belief in a better future
 This movie tells the story of two women both trying to find their way.  These women are in a transition where they need something to keep them busy. They need something away from the ordinary.  I related to this part in the movie ( which is the beginning) They knew they needed a hobby something new, but it took them some time to figure it out. You see I relate to these because I have realized in life there are so many transition times in life, but especially being a married woman. It's been a year and 2 months and there have been a lot of transition ( learning) and I know there will be more.
 When we first got married and Josh went back to work it was quite a shock. He was on second shift at the time, and I felt exactly like they did in the movie. No idea what to do..I mean what was i supposed to do I had worked all day, and now it's evening and It was just me and Zoe. You see it took a bit for me to find some things that I enjoyed and I could do. I found out that I enjoyed painting, I taught myself how to crochet, cooking ( still learning) and I am sure there is more. I mean there will always be transitions and we have to learn how to handle, and what to make of them.
 To inspire confidence in others: I like that definition because yes it is only a movie and as silly as it maybe it puts this sort of confidence in me as a woman. I can do new things and I can learn how to get through weird times with a loving husband by my side. I am so thankful for my husband and all that he does for us. I can't put it into words they he makes me feel :)
 As silly as it seems for me to be blogging about a movie I did...and it is my blog. :) Have a wonderful day everyone:)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

changing those small things

I love to read blogs that are written by Christian moms and this one unparticular I love.  There are many moms in the church I admire (including my mom) I always look at how my parents raised me and how now I so appreciate the things they did. As a teenager I didn’t always understand why there was a thing I wasn’t allowed to do, but now I understand and appreciate it.

Someday I will be a mother and I am very excited for when that happens (just because I am excited doesn’t mean it is happening soon...) I like to get advice and there are so many things I have said “oh I want to do that with my kids”, “I want to be that kind of mom” I just caught myself saying that and it made me think. I want to be a mom that teaches my kids biblical character and live a life in Christ. I want to live this out at home with them. How am I going to be able to do this with my someday children when I don’t even think to some of this stuff daily. OK yes I read my bible and pray, but I mean as far as randomly reading a bible story at lunch and discussing it. I want to do that!  I suppose that I just challenged myself to practice these things a little bit more myself. 

 Honestly I like to eat in front of the television (we also don’t have a table except our coffee table that sits in front of the TV.)   I figured it might be easy to make some of these small changes (that will make a huge difference) in our life now instead of when we do start having kids. Maybe you do or don’t have kids but it’s never too late to make small changes that could make a big impact. :)