I had this post written but erased it...I desperately want to be the person who writes a profound blog about life and the adventures it brings and I want to give this great advice that helps others. I realized after I had this post written and I had to step away that I'm just me. I'm probably like more of you than you realize, or than I realize for that matter.
I have a toddler who is becoming rather hard and frustrating to potty train, who thinks its fun to pee on the floor and stomp in it. I have a 10 month old who is into everything and clingy when I need to get stuff done, and my floors need swept, the dishes are piled up and there is still a basket of laundry that needs folded and put away ( they are very wrinkly at this point) Oh and my coffee is cold
I'm trying to have more joy and get more sleep and drink more water..good goals right!?
My journey is different than yours but we are all on some kind of journey and it's called a journey because its a long trip. This is not a quick fun trip this is a unexpected journey and we need help. A tour guide if you must...Here is what everyday ( for the last 9 months) is teaching me.
1. keep trying
2. Tomorrow is a new day
3.just breath
I'm not going to be perfect...I'm exercising, drinking water and spending time with the Lord and digging into his word but I'm still being transformed daily ummm hourly. I'm putting into practice the verse's I read and applying them and trying so hard to let God change me and use me. It's a journey because like I said earlier it's taking awhile but I have hope that when the season is over when this journey ends and the next one begins I will be stronger and more patient perhaps. We don't get to our destination over night..
please don't think this is a long complaint about my life because it's not...this is simply a honest little blurb ( maybe to help you know you are not alone)
My life is amazing ( not perfect) but it's pretty great!