Things look different than they did when we only had one kid...getting pregnant with your first obviously changes things in your life in a big way, but having the second has changed things in a completely new way. I don't get much sleep at all anymore but I'm learning how to be patient in a whole new way. Taking care of a very well behaved but loud and adventurous toddler and a newborn at the same time while having no sleep is a whole new world.
This morning Kate ( the 3 week old) was up a little before 5 and I can handle that. I figured I will feed her then I will have plenty of time to do my daily devotion and have some quiet time. That plan didn't work..Copelan ( my 18 month old) woke up at 5:30. He woke up very happy and was really good all morning so at least I knew he slept well. So far my daily devotion and bible reading was done from my phone while I fed kate and prayer time was on the couch with the t.v. on and a baby on my lap.
I've stopped saying ( for awhile anyway) that things will get done during naptime. Most days if both kids are napping at the same time then I also need to lay down and nap/rest so I am a pleasant person the rest of the day.
Things will keep looking different...this week my husband will be going to 2nd shift. It will be really nice having him here during the day but nights will be different now. It's one of those things you cant fully prepare for or know how it will go until it happens. I'm not saying things won't be tough and are not tough already with a new adjustment of having a newborn but God is preparing us and doing something new in us everyday. Life isn't easy and God doesn't call us to live an easy life. With that comes change and "different"
God is with us in the change and when things start to look different and we are not sure where to go or what to do. I think it's important to remember that! My time spent with God is not "quiet" most times anymore. I used to have this perfect time with candles and worship music my journal and bible was my time with God. That is very different. I had to learn that God is here and still wants me to be with him even if its not quiet. He wants me to come to him when things are loud and hectic and when things are peaceful and quiet. I'm learning so much and I will continue to in these different times. I don't want to write to much but I also want you all to be encouraged and to know that our God is big and his plans for us are big. We have to let him change us and work through us in our difficult times and remember that he is with us in those times and wherever we are.