This week has been such a great week. I absolutely love it when Josh doesn't have to work. We stay up late doing whatever we want and we can sleep in. It is such a great feeling..:) A couple of things have gone not the way we planned this week. Josh has been feeling pretty sick, so today we went to the doctor. He has a throat infection, and tomorrow we have to get our car worked on. So these things sound like a pretty big bummer ( and they kind of are) But we said hey at least this stuff happened this week and not next week in the middle of a work week.
I try as much as I can to look on the bright side of things and be positive and sometimes it can be hard, but I was really glad in this situation we were both able to say better now then next week.I just read a quote that said life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful. I like that so much because we say to each other sorry we can't go there or sorry this week hasn't been fun. But really it is just the opposite just because things are a little different doesn't mean we can't have fun and live wonderfully.
I like that quote because it seems like we ( human beings) are always trying to live up to the expectations of being perfect, but we are never going to be prefect. Nothing is never going to go exactly the way we want,and things are going to have to be different than we think sometimes. But those different imperfect things are what make us different imperfect beings who we are. :)
The things in this world will fail me, but I know that my God won't. Even though this world is so not perfect my God is, and whatever happens I trust in my prefect oh so loving God. :)