within the past week or two I read something and I think it was from Crazy love, But I am not sure. ( I tend to read a few books at a time on my Kindle) What I read I don't remember it word for word but I remember that it was about not living to impress people by what you do or the clothes you wear, but Living for what matters. Seriously we don't know how long our life is ( so crazy to think about) and I want to make everyday count. I feel like since making this real I have been taking things a little more seriously. Actually I think motivated is a better word..I want to be motivated by the things that really matter to do things that really matter. There was a song I just came across called Without love. Doing things fro the right reasons means also doing things with Love. The song basically says that nothing matters if you don't have love, and honestly if you are not doing things for the right reason and you are not doing things with love stop and ask yourself why you do what you do.
I don't even have to be talking about ministry in the church but at your work or anything you do in your day to day life. Colassians 3:23 says Work willingly at whatever you do as if you are working for the Lord and not for people. Everyday whatever you do we are working for the Lord so think about why do what you do. what is your motivation? Make everyday count ( I know that is cliche) But seriously make everyday you live count. it is hard to do but something to work on :) http://www.youtube.com/user/HollyStarrMusic?feature=results_right_main
Check out this song I found! :)