My Wednesday night preschool class was very interesting and exciting last night. We had thunderstorms and tornado warnings, and we were playing with play dough..:) As we were creating animals and food with our dough we hear big thunder and the power goes out...are we scared? I think not! we use this as an oppurtunity to teach the bible to these little ones. I get super excited and ask them if they know the story in the bible about the big storm and the disciples being in the middle of the sea. They get interested and say no. So i tell this story of how there is this crazy storm and the disciples are freaking out, and they wake up Jesus...Nobody likes to get waken up when they are sleeping. I then explained Jesus calmed the storm and we have no worries when storms come because Jesus will calm those too. It was a fun bible story that went right along with what was happening at that moment. I acted it out and had fun while they played with their play dough.
It was quite enjoyable and i hope to have more of those moments :)
Lets have fun in every moment and remember that the Lord is in control, and lets teach our little ones that as well.