Friday, October 11, 2019

two right shoes

First of all I will start off by saying that this is not a post about me whining or complaining this is simply real life and I felt like I wanted to share today.  Most of my days feel a little frazzled no matter how I plan or how hard I try to plan something comes up or changes or the kids are just wild..LOL
I would love to say that what I'm about to post are rare occasions but it's normal life for me. 
Almost everyday of the week we have an appointment and on Thursdays we have homeschool Co op so we stay very busy and when we go out of town I try to pack lunches and make a day of it. Today the kids were fighting so much so I knew packing lunches would be chaotic so I opted for stopping at Kroger for lunchables instead. So we get the car cart and the kids are sitting close together so of course we are only getting goldfish and lunchables but when the kids are yelling and fighting you can't seem to get out of there fast enough...So as I'm trying to look at something for me that I end up just putting back because someone took someone else's i grab the goldfish and throw them in the cart and said please stop we are leaving now.  It wasn't quite a yell but my voice was a little raised and I look up and this lady is just glaring at me with judgy eyes (it seemed) So we go to checkout and I'm not mad or angry at my kids and they are laughing but I'm still getting this I just brush it off or try ya caught me at a bad time and my kids on a wild what!?
It's alright so we make our way to Findlay and it's raining of course so we can't have our picnic lunch it's ok so I tell the kids they can eat lunchables in the car then we will just go to the library when we get back in town. That worked! well we get to the chiropractor and he goes to adjust Copelan and he has 2 of the same shoes but different sizes and both are for the right feet...made him put his own shoes on today and looked how that turned out...HAHA yeah I was a little embarrassed but I just laughed it off.
I got my coffee kids fought most of the way home and i just turned my music up and we got to library and all was well until I hit my ankle on a book shelf when I sat down to help Copelan on the computer so I'm now sitting here with a bag of frozen strawberries on my ankle hoping the swelling goes down and that it goes away.......When you chronic pain you have a high pain tolerance but when you get one little bruise or hit something your body reacts differently than someone who doesn't have chronic pain/autoimmune disorders.  so one little bump has caused my foot to swell and my right leg to be in pain.  But it really is kids are thankfully napping for this first time in 2 weeks haha so hopefully my foot will recover.
We all have these days whether we are moms or not..we wear 2 right shoes, wear our shirts inside out, forget lunch,realize there is nothing to eat for dinner in your house, the laundry is piled up, you leave and realize there is a stain on your clothes or you just woke up late and didn't get your coffee.  We all have these days and sometimes we can shrug it off and go on and other times we show a little bit of our frazzled mess when we are out in the stores or wherever...Don't jusdge others just smile at them, and when you are the one having that day just take a breath and say it's ok. 
The great thing is God sees this crazy frazzled mess and he loves I come to him and ask him to help me to have patience and as i replay the scenes of today in my head I know tomorrow will be a new day and a new start

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